BETTER The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Bob Blaisdell (Adapter) reading access download view format

BETTER The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Bob Blaisdell (Adapter) reading access download view format

BETTER The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Bob Blaisdell (Adapter) reading access download view format

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Book description
The book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain tells the story of how a boy named Tom Sawyer had a rough life with his Aunt Polly doing chores and having to take baths and going to school, until one day he decides to leave town and go to St. Petersburg and becomes a pirate with his friends Huck Finn and Joe Harper. He goes on many more adventures, such as going witnessing a murder in a graveyard, going through a cave with a girl he likes named Becky and almost starving to death, and going to seek for treasure in an abandoned house. Overall, I thought the book was well written and very interesting. I thought the characters in the novel had guts and were very brave, especially Tom Sawyer. He was a very adventurous, heroic, smart, brave person who could think on his feet and was a good but troublesome kid. My favorite part of the book was when he went to the graveyard. The problems the characters encountered were when they had to make sure they didnt tell about Inquin Joes murder. I think it was a great book.
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