BETTER Taming Her Beast by Michelle Fox (Goodreads Author) view format ebook how download free

BETTER Taming Her Beast by Michelle Fox (Goodreads Author) view format ebook how download free

BETTER Taming Her Beast by Michelle Fox (Goodreads Author) view format ebook how download free

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Book description
Meet Hunter. He’s tall, dark and handsome....and ready to make Miranda howl.Miranda knows how to survive on the streets, but she has no idea how to be a werewolf or live with a pack. She thought things were looking up when the Moon Bay pack took her in, but all she seems to do is cause trouble. When she goes into heat and starts a bar brawl, the pack alpha gives her an ultimatum: Spend her heat with the pack member he designates or face life as a lone wolf.For Miranda, it’s Hunter or the highway.An erotic short story of 10,000 words containing rough sex.
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