BETTER Taking The Human by Trent Evans (Goodreads Author) read epub on ipad

BETTER Taking The Human by Trent Evans (Goodreads Author) read epub on ipad

BETTER Taking The Human by Trent Evans (Goodreads Author) read epub on ipad

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Book description
I now officially love alien romances! Ive read a few already, some great, some not so great but this was fun of the best kind. Ive always loved the alien kidnaps human from earth tropes, its one of my favourite romace plots and Trent Evans does it super well. First of all, lets start with the bedroom scenery. It was fantastically kinky and I wasnt bored once. Often when I read romace I skip the samey, boring, sex scenes. Thankfully I didnt have to skip anything in this book, it was all spank bank material. Both main characters were utterly likeable. The alien hero had the strong yet caring thing going, which I really like and the heroine was both sweet and smart. It was a winning combination!If you enjoy alien capture romances and the M/s dynamic, this is one to try. *I received a review copy of this book from the BDSM group on Goodreads.*
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