BETTER Surrealism by Mary Ann Caws (Editor) store free djvu information bookshop

BETTER Surrealism by Mary Ann Caws (Editor) store free djvu information bookshop

BETTER Surrealism by Mary Ann Caws (Editor) store free djvu information bookshop

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Book description
Mary Ann Caws (born 1933) is an American author, art historian and literary criticShe is currently a Distinguished Professor of English, French and Comparative Literature at the Graduate School of the City University of New York. She is an expert on Surrealism and modern English and French literature, having written biographies of Marcel Proust, Virginia Woolf, and Henry James. She works on the interrelations of visual art and literary texts, has written biographies of Pablo Picasso and Salvador DalГ­, edited the diaries, letters, and source material of Joseph Cornell. She has also written on AndrГ© Breton, Robert Desnos, RenГ© Char, Yves Bonnefoy, Robert Motherwell, and Edmond JabГЁs. She served as the senior editor for the HarperCollins World Reader, and edited anthologies on Manifestos - Isms, Surrealism, Twentieth Century French Literature. Among others, she has translated StГ©phane MallarmГ©, Tristan Tzara, Pierre Reverdy, AndrГ© Breton, Paul Г‰luard, Robert Desnos, and RenГ© Char.Among the positions she has held are President, Association for Study of Dada and Surrealism, 1971-75 and President, Modern Language Association of America, 1983, Academy of Literary Studies, 1984-5, and the American Comparative Literature Association, 1989-91.In October 2004, she published her autobiography, To the Boathouse: a Memoir (University Alabama Press), and in November 2008, a cookbook memoir: Provencal Cooking: Savoring the Simple Life in France (Pegasus Books).She was married to Peter Caws and is the mother of Hilary Caws-Elwitt and of Matthew Caws, lead singer of the band Nada Surf. She is married to Dr. Boyce Bennett; they live in New York City.
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