BETTER Steel and Song by Ani Bolton (Goodreads Author) fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

BETTER Steel and Song by Ani Bolton (Goodreads Author) fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

BETTER Steel and Song by Ani Bolton (Goodreads Author) fb2 direct link book wiki kickass

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Book description
Airwitch Tova Vanaskayas choices are few: use her magic to fly an elite aircraft in the Grand Duchys army or be shipped to the trenches. But invoking too much magic can kill the wielder, and her Cossack captain has a hell-bent-for-leather streak that pushes her to the brink. It’s a good thing she’s not afraid to push back.Airship captain Piers Dashkov lost his friends, family ties and self-respect in a rash act years ago, so its fine by him if the odds of surviving a dogfight are slim to none. His goal is simple: find redemption through valor and regain his lost honor in death if not life. He needs the smart-mouthed airwitch to achieve that impossible goal, but he never thought she would prove to be his salvation.While the enemy is on the move, and whispers of revolution echo from the salons of the noble Cossack Houses to the tenement slums of Muscovy, one reckless night of passion creates a connection that will reverberate fatally for nations as well as for Tova and Piers.
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