BETTER Spurgeon Gems by Charles Haddon Spurgeon online mp3 doc read direct link

BETTER Spurgeon Gems by Charles Haddon Spurgeon online mp3 doc read direct link

BETTER Spurgeon Gems by Charles Haddon Spurgeon online mp3 doc read direct link

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Book description
A quality eBook from Chapel Library (active Contents and footnotes) Spurgeon Gems is a collection of quotations from Spurgeon’s sermons, preached during the years 1880 through 1892. The 280 quotations mostly consist of a few sentences up to a paragraph and are arranged into 34 relevant topics. Few if any preachers of the Word ever have preached the Gospel of the grace of God with greater clarity. These excerpts serve as an introduction to the writings of Spurgeon, a refreshing reminder of the glories of the Lord, and a summary of the doctrines proclaimed by this outstanding man of God. Topical areas include: 1) About God 2) Salvation: The Message; Centered in Christ; Sin; Faith; Unbelief; Works; Man’s Responsibility; God’s Sovereignty; The Call 3) Sanctification: Obedience, Walking by Faith; Humility/Pride; Fear of God; Communion and Worship; False Profession; Worldliness 4) Wisdom 5) Trials and Suffering: Certainty; Slander; Christ as Conqueror; Hope; Perseverance; God’s Sovereignty 6) Prayer: Importance; How to Pray; Earnestness 7) Family 8) Evangelizing the Lost 9) The Bible 10) The Preacher and the Church: Preaching the Word; The Pastor as Shepherd; The Pastor and the Flock; The Church
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