BETTER Spackled and Spooked by Jennie Bentley book finder flibusta library ipad

BETTER Spackled and Spooked by Jennie Bentley book finder flibusta library ipad

BETTER Spackled and Spooked by Jennie Bentley book finder flibusta library ipad

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Book description
This was a fun read!Avery and Derek are finally working together. They have purchased a house that has had three murders done by the man who owned the house.It has been said that the house is haunted, but Derek does not think that will be a problem, since the murders happened 19 years ago.But they did not know that there were other things happening on the street. They did find out when they started working on the house.They heard screams when they opened the front door and footsteps in the hallways.Also, the noisy neighbor next door was killed while they were working.They had the chief of police at the house several times investigating the strange happenings.You need to read this book to understand what they had to endure to get the house ready to sell.
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