BETTER Short-Circuit His Soul by Alana Ankh book ios full version full pdf

BETTER Short-Circuit His Soul by Alana Ankh book ios full version full pdf

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Emotionally overwhelming. So much happened, intrapsychically, interpersonally, and external plot-wise. And again, I appreciated how even though it’s romance, Alana Ankh didn’t neglect the science-fiction side of the story.Noah was a very fascinating character, a clone of a genetically enhanced human being! Though of course Noah is much more than just an imperfect copy of Uriel. Noah’s internal struggles due to his belief that he’s simply an inferior duplicate of Uriel were truly unique and heart-rending to read about! Out of all the main characters, I probably sympathized most with Noah. Very few people are born via cloning, obviously, and that Noah got to be treated like a person and with love and respect, was immensely touching to me.For Logan, I didn’t like him initially in the first book, due to how he treated Uriel, but in Short-Circuit His Soul, he more than redeemed himself in my eyes. Who could dislike someone who loves and cares deeply for a man whom most people see as a mere clone? In fact, I enjoyed Noah and Logan’s romance even more than Raze and Uriel’s. Uriel and Raze’s mutual attraction was instantaneous and harder to relate to (though still nice), whilst Noah seemed to build some kind of emotional bond with Logan first before falling for him, so Noah’s development of romantic feelings is more understandable to me. As well, I liked Noah and Logan’s sex scenes more—they seemed more warm and tender, whereas Uriel and Raze’s were more about passion and excitement in comparison. Both couples’ love scenes were good, of course, but Logan and Noah’s were just more satisfying to read in my view.That unavoidable pathos due to Noah’s cloning troubles, both psychological and physical, made Noah and Logan’s relationship feel deeper in a way. I’m by no means implying that Raze and Uriel’s love is shallow, though, because it’s not. Logan and Noah’s story just touched me more deeply.The only things I can find to complain about were:(view spoiler)[ Some character changes were so out of the blue that they were virtually unconvincing. That thing with Julian having feelings for Logan, and almost poaching him, was shocking and seemed to have come out of nowhere. And I still don’t know how Julian got his voice back. He disappointed me, I have to say, because I had always liked Julian; I never expected him to sort of become the third party in Logan and Noah’s relationship…Thankfully Julian repents later, and tries to do things to make up for his mistakes. I would be happy to see a sequel on Julian’s romance with whoever will become his love.What was perhaps even worse than Julian’s abrupt change, however, was what happened with Lucius. Again, it was too surprising and practically unbelievable that Lucius would hate Uriel that much. Lucius never showed the slightest hint of hatred towards him; on the contrary, Lucius seemed to be kind or at least understanding when it came to Uriel. That Lucius’s spite could be so great as to make him want to use Uriel as a “battery” and keep Raze (his own son!) unconscious to limit Uriel’s abilities, was also so appalling that I thought Lucius was being mind-controlled. Honestly, Lucius’s attitude and behavior were so at odds with his initial appearance as a loving and devoted father and spouse. Even he questioned himself why he had to break Raze’s heart like that. Though we could see at the end of the book Lucius’s motives, psychological turmoil, and partial regrets, I still found the character change too jarring. It’s like he turned into a completely different person!Finally, wow, I can’t believe this book ended with Julian killing his own father! (Or phasing him into unconsciousness.) It really seems that Raze looks more dangerous but is actually more stable, while Julian looks more gentle and harmless but is actually the dangerous, unpredictable one. Even though the book closed on such a dark note, I’m excited in a way because this implies that there might be another sequel! (hide spoiler)]
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