BETTER Shock Wave by Clive Cussler value selling read itunes djvu

BETTER Shock Wave by Clive Cussler value selling read itunes djvu

BETTER Shock Wave by Clive Cussler value selling read itunes djvu

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Book description
A funny story about Dirk Pitt, #13. I headed down to Hermosa Beach last weekend for some debauchery at a friends condo, and took my bike along so I could do some riding along the sea down the Palos Verdes loop on Sunday Morning. I took along also a backpack, with my jersey and shorts, a change of clothes, some bike tools, a spare tube, an MP3 player, that sort of thing. I also throw in Shock Wave and The Culture of Narcissism American Life in an Age of Diminishing Expectations in case boredom struck. When I got to the condo, I took the bike inside and left the backpack inside my truck.Now, a word about my truck. I drive a beige, 1988 Mitsubishi MIGHTY MAX. Yes, that is the actual name of the truck: MIGHTY MAX. It has a cracked windshield, no AC or power steering, 206,521 miles on, and either door can be opened with a well-placed side-kick, irrespective of how I have attempted to lock it. Its not much for safekeeping, so I try not to leave valuables in it.Anyway, sure enough, I wake up on Sunday morning and go out to my truck to find it has been jimmied open and rifled through. There was very little to steal, except the bag with all my biking gear which was indeed gone.However, apparently this criminal fuckin mastermind, before making off with my bag, opened it up to see what was inside. He must have been interested in a couple tire wrenches and a pair of spandex shorts that stink of testicle sweat and that could have value only to me, but he actually removed the books and left them inside the truck. Thats right, apparently Dirk Pitt, #13 is not worth stealing. No. More than that. Apparently it is worth taking special effort out of your day, in the very middle of an act of criminal larceny, to specifically AVOID stealing Dirk Pitt, #13.------------------------Arguably the best book Ive ever read. Before 10 pages have passed, over 130 convicts have cannibalized each other on a raft, and a great white shark affectionately named THE EXECUTIONER has been eaten by -- I shit you not -- A GIANT SEA-SERPENT. Im not yet 100 pages in, and 2 buxomous babes have been rescued from certain death by our protagonist, DIRK PITT. One from an out-of-control cruise ship, and one from an abandoned antarctic island.Hes got a craggy face, and Im pretty sure hes gonna get to porking before part II. At least I hope so.
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