BETTER Rediscovering Our English Baptist Heritage:Kiffen Knollys & Keach by Michael A.G. Haykin purchase cheap free writer library

BETTER Rediscovering Our English Baptist Heritage:Kiffen Knollys & Keach by Michael A.G. Haykin purchase cheap free writer library

BETTER Rediscovering Our English Baptist Heritage:Kiffen Knollys & Keach by Michael A.G. Haykin purchase cheap free writer

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Book description
A useful concise overview of the history of the 1st and 2nd London baptist Confessions of Faith as well as a brief overview of the importance of William Kiffin, Hanserd Knollys, and Benjamin Keachs contributions to the 17th century Reformed Baptist Movement. Much of the historical controversies described by Dr. Michael Haykin have practical application today for example the Particular baptists responses to the Quakers and Seers who emphasized the individual experience of being moved by the spirit having primacy over the Word of God much like modern Pentecostals and evangelicals in general who emphasize individual experience over Gods Word. The particular baptists in the 17th century rightly responded that the emphasis should not be on the individual seeking miracles and outward signs, but on Christ since even the miracles recorded in Scripture are not an end in and of themselves, but rather point to the person and work of Christ.This is a necessary concise reference for reformed baptists to have a basic understanding of our reformed heritage as well as be able to respond to common misconceptions and misrepresentations such as the argument that the reformed baptist movement came from the Anabaptists, which had a separate historical and doctrinal heritage than the 17th century Particular baptists.
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