BETTER Pretty Haru (Pretty Haru #1) by Jung Hyo Jin windows without signing epub book view

BETTER Pretty Haru (Pretty Haru #1) by Jung Hyo Jin windows without signing epub book view

BETTER Pretty Haru (Pretty Haru #1) by Jung Hyo Jin windows without signing epub book view

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Book description
As children, Lee Haru and Yun Dong-Ha made a promise, one to become a famous baseball player, the other a ballerina. When Lee Haru departs for Russia, they both decide that when they meet again theyll become a couple.Fast-foward several years, and Dong-Ha, now a feared deliquent, is excited to find out Lee-Haru is returning to his school. Expecting to meet a gorgeous, skinny ballerina, he is rather dismayed to find out Haru hasnt exactly turned out the way he expected.
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