BETTER Permanent Innovation by Langdon Morris pocket read italian tablet cheap

BETTER Permanent Innovation by Langdon Morris pocket read italian tablet cheap

BETTER Permanent Innovation by Langdon Morris pocket read italian tablet cheap

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Book description
Innovation is the process of creating new ideas and turning them into new business value. Permanent Innovation is the process of doing it continuously, as a matter of strategy, method, and habit. It happens in organizations that embrace innovation as a core value, practice innovation as a core methodology, and produce innovation as a consistent output. The notion of permanent innovation may at first be startling, and it may even seem to be a contradiction. The concept of permanence implies stability and the absence of change, while the concept of innovation implies constancy of change and novelty. Combining these two, however, yields an important synthesis: the practice of innovation not as an occasional occurrence, but as a repeating process of value creation and organizational adaptation. In these times of accelerating change and increasing competition, Permanent Innovation is an absolute necessity. This book is about how to achieve it.
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