BETTER Panter, Tiger & Co by Kurt Tucholsky android download writer german pocket

BETTER Panter, Tiger & Co by Kurt Tucholsky android download writer german pocket

BETTER Panter, Tiger & Co by Kurt Tucholsky android download writer german pocket

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Book description

Book description
Kurt Tucholsky was a prolific writer and editor for the Weimar-era magazine, Die WeltbГјhne. This collection of pieces written under his four pseudonyms--Peter Panter, Theobald Tiger, Kasper Hauser and Ignaz Wrobel--was put together by his widow in 1954, less than 20 years after his death.The collections includes essays and poems in categories including humor, travel writing, reflections on issues as varied as education, economy, the military and death. His pieces written in Berliner slang are as good as any of the Missouri dialects of Mark Twain. Essential reading for anyone knowledgeable of Weimar and wanting to better understand the frustrations of the era.
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