BETTER Pandora Hearts, Volume 06 by Jun Mochizuki german online english format offline

BETTER Pandora Hearts, Volume 06 by Jun Mochizuki german online english format offline

BETTER Pandora Hearts, Volume 06 by Jun Mochizuki german online english format offline

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Book description
Though Oz’s sudden appearance in the midst of Pandora wreaks havoc, the initially chilly reception to the prison-breaker runs more than warm when Jack Vessalius, hero of the tragedy of Sablier and the man from Alice’s memories, manifests in Oz’s body. Sensing Oz’s resultant inner turmoil, Uncle Oscar drags Oz and company on a “mission” to Lutwidge Academy, where Oz’s little sister, Ada, is a student. But some carefree fun and a tearful reunion ten years in the making is not all for which Oz must prepare himself: crimson-cloaked foes are lying in wait to torture him for answers about the events of a hundred years ago…
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