BETTER Over the Mountain of the Moon: A Tale of a Samurai Consort by Reiko Morgan eng full no registration francais download

BETTER Over the Mountain of the Moon: A Tale of a Samurai Consort by Reiko Morgan eng full no registration francais download

BETTER Over the Mountain of the Moon: A Tale of a Samurai Consort by Reiko Morgan eng full no registration francais download

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Book description

Book description
Tetsuya, a young male courtesan, is living a life of relative safety until an unknown samurai called Jin arrives on his doorstep, bringing passion and death. Awakened to the strange paths of destiny, Tetsuya chooses to leave the only place he has ever known to follow a samurai who is on a quest for vengeance. Their heels dogged at every turn by paid assassins, Tetsuya and Jin learn to trust each other as they discover hidden truths which may get them killed before their love has a chance to redeem them both.
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