BETTER Over at the Castle by Boni Ashburn (Goodreads Author) free english txt how to store

BETTER Over at the Castle by Boni Ashburn (Goodreads Author) free english txt how to store

BETTER Over at the Castle by Boni Ashburn (Goodreads Author) free english txt how to store

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Book description

Book description
In this clever reworking of the classic folk song “Over in the Meadow,” readers meet villagers who spent their day spinning, cleaning, cooking, dancing, and more. The text counts up from one baby dragon to ten court jesters, and kids will enjoy counting along with each of the characters as they go about their daily work. At the end of the day, all the villagers look out their windows for a special surprise from their dragon neighbors. Readers will pore over illustrations filled with the same unexpected, warm humor of Boni Ashburn and Kelly Murphy’s first book, Hush, Little Dragon.
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