BETTER Nothing Special by Charlotte Joko Beck audio download epub txt purchase

BETTER Nothing Special by Charlotte Joko Beck audio download epub txt purchase

BETTER Nothing Special by Charlotte Joko Beck audio download epub txt purchase

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Book description
This book really changed my view of why Im meditating and where Im going with it. I have a completely different visual analogy now, one in which Im peeling away layers and layers of mental junk Ive built over the years. And then nothing special happens. You just peel away as much of it as you can, and the rest takes care of itself. In other words, Im not trying to achieve any particular outcome, other than the peeling away. There is nothing special at the end of this path, and there is no end in this path. What will happen will unfold on its own naturally. This is a difficult fact to face sometimes but the sooner you face it the better and Joko Becks book really helps you understand this. The message is universal and simple. Im Turkish and yet I doubt the book is less accessible to me or anyone from my culture as it is to any American. That shows how successful the author was.Ive been meditating on and off, completely on my own (no teacher, no Zen center, etc.), with very strong resistance. I do not have a broad exposure to Eastern philosophy or Buddhism (I dont consider myself a Buddhist). While reading this book, Ive broken through a good deal of that resistance because of this better understanding of what meditation is about. After a few years, Ive finally been able to meditate daily again; and this shows again how successful the author was. As a result of my increased insight, Im compelled to meditate and thus, the resistance has been naturally weakened; its not a struggle anymore. I wish all of our actions were backed up by this kind of compelling insight.One caveat: Im not sure if certain paradoxes or contradictions in Zen were explained as deeply as they could have been, and Im not sure if they ever could be... But this also leaves room for you to do your own thinking. And a small note: This is not a how-to (e.g., you sit like this, you breathe like this, etc.) book.
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