BETTER Nine Man-Eaters & One Rogue by Kenneth Anderson read flibusta via information eng

BETTER Nine Man-Eaters & One Rogue by Kenneth Anderson read flibusta via information eng

BETTER Nine Man-Eaters & One Rogue by Kenneth Anderson read flibusta via information eng

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Book description
When my grandma told me that this is one of her favourite books and that its full of lovely animal stories I really did expect something else. Definitely not 11 tiger-related jungle bloodheds... But anyway. It is written in very catchy, suspenseful way. It imaginatively, but not exhaustingly describes Indian jungle in its raw beauty, using all of the senses. I liked it and it was an easy read. The only real problem Ive had with the book is that all the stories seemed way too similiar for me, so it got a bit boring at the end. What I liked the most on the other hand was how thriling the storytelling was.Sorry to all of my family members for being a bit unpleasant (a bit, haha :D) when they tried to talk to me in the middle of the most dramatic parts...
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