BETTER Nappily in Bloom by Trisha R. Thomas (Goodreads Author) read pc link english iBooks

BETTER Nappily in Bloom by Trisha R. Thomas (Goodreads Author) read pc link english iBooks

BETTER Nappily in Bloom by Trisha R. Thomas (Goodreads Author) read pc link english iBooks

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Book description
Airic and his famous televangelist wife, Trevelle Doval, make the evening news when Airic is accused of domestic battery and his life is suddenly turned upside down. But when Venus and Jake try to suspend Airic’s visitation rights with Mya, they discover that Airic isn’t willing to go down without a fight.Meanwhile, Jake’s best friend, Legend, turns up on his doorstep with trouble not far behind. The past is back with a vengeance, including blackmail, murder and enemies who are looking for payback. But everything takes a dangerous new turn when Venus goes missing. For Jake it’s now a race against time to save the woman he loves.
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