BETTER Naming the Powers: The Language of Power in the New Testament by Walter Wink find download shop iBooks epub

BETTER Naming the Powers: The Language of Power in the New Testament by Walter Wink find download shop iBooks epub

BETTER Naming the Powers: The Language of Power in the New Testament by Walter Wink find download shop iBooks epub

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Book description
This might not be a classic, but Winks book (and the two sequels) are frequently cited. After years of noticing such citations in other books I was reading, I figured Id go back to the source. Winks book does a fantastic job in making what the Bible says about spirits/demons/angels and such palpable for modern people. On one extreme are materialists who discount all the Bible, or other literature, says about such things since, well, we modern people know such things do not exist. Winks book seems to be mostly for such people. I think he succeeds, showing there is a spirit that exists behind large companies and corporations, for example. The other side would be those who take the Bible literally. Such readers probably see Wink as a sell-out liberal, which would be a shame. Because I think you can hold a literal view and still gain a lot from Winks work. Overall, a very helpful book.
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