BETTER Mystery of the Silver Coins by Lois Walfrid Johnson tom portable german direct link online

BETTER Mystery of the Silver Coins by Lois Walfrid Johnson tom portable german direct link online

BETTER Mystery of the Silver Coins by Lois Walfrid Johnson tom portable german direct link online

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Book description

Book description
In this second installment of the Viking Quest series, Bree finds herself in a physical and spiritual battle for survival.Bree, along with another young slave, makes a daring escape from the ship as soon as it reaches harbor. They hide in the woods as Mikkel and his Viking sailors begin a relentless search, certain that Bree is responsible for a missing bag of silver coins.Bree must face her unwillingless to forgive the Vikings, and Mikkel begins to wonder: Is the God of these Irish Christians really more powerful than our own Viking gods?
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