BETTER My Magic Mate by Caryn Moya Block (Goodreads Author) value tablet bookstore online touch

BETTER My Magic Mate by Caryn Moya Block (Goodreads Author) value tablet bookstore online touch

BETTER My Magic Mate by Caryn Moya Block (Goodreads Author) value tablet bookstore online touch

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Book description
Brencis Solovyov, a Siberian lycanthrope, isn’t looking for a mate. When he visits the local metaphysical store, he is repulsed by the owner’s purple hair and combat boots. And when she gives him a potion that accidently poisons him, he fears for his life. The fact that she is his mate can only be a trick of destiny. After she claims to be a witch, he knows she is truly crazy. But there is something magical about the woman, and he isn’t the only one who has noticed her strange powers. Can he keep her safe from the danger surrounding her? Will he get over his prejudice and let his magic mate cast a spell of love on him?
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