BETTER Mrs. Toggle And The Dinosaur by Robin Pulver download mp3 fb2 iphone story

BETTER Mrs. Toggle And The Dinosaur by Robin Pulver download mp3 fb2 iphone story

BETTER Mrs. Toggle And The Dinosaur by Robin Pulver download mp3 fb2 iphone story

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Book description
Daffy Mrs. Toggle receives a phone call from the principal telling her that a new student was transferring into her class: a dinosaur! With the children, she sets about preparing for the imminent arrival - having the custodian make an extra-large desk, warning the school cook, visiting the library to research dinosaurs...I thought it was rather cute. When reading it to DS#1, we had to stop in the middle and it was a great effort to prevent him from bolting off with the book to see how it ended. However, when it ended... THIS IS THE WORST BOOK EVER! DS#1 was enraged about having been cheated, as (view spoiler)[a little girl named Dinah Sawyer shows up, and theres a quick moral about if you dont understand something, be sure to ask questions. DS #1 wanted an actual dinosaur after all that build-up. Honestly, I kind of did, myself. (hide spoiler)]
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