BETTER Mount Athos: Renewal in Paradise by Graham Speake german information ios free touch

BETTER Mount Athos: Renewal in Paradise by Graham Speake german information ios free touch

BETTER Mount Athos: Renewal in Paradise by Graham Speake german information ios free touch

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Book description
Mount Athos, a spectacularly beautiful rocky peninsula on the coast of Greece, has been a monastic preserve since the ninth century. This richly illustrated book tells the entire story of Athos, the Holy Mountain, from the first anchorite monks who lived in caves and huts through centuries of political and religious controversy to the thriving monastic communities of today.“Superb photographs, fascinating. Travelers and pilgrims alike, as well as those who prefer to stay at home, will relish this tour of Athos’s history, its relics and treasures, and, in part, its consciousness.”—Literary Review“An all-embracing panorama of the nature and detailed history of Athos.”—Anglo-Hellenic Review“This beautifully produced book contains everything the layman could wish to know about Athos. It is more, much more, than a mere travel book, though it would be a useful addition to the Orthodox pilgrim’s knapsack.”—The Tablet
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