BETTER Motherlode: A Mosaic of Dutch Wartime Experience by Carolyne Van Der Meer ebook finder bookstore amazon free

BETTER Motherlode: A Mosaic of Dutch Wartime Experience by Carolyne Van Der Meer ebook finder bookstore amazon free

BETTER Motherlode: A Mosaic of Dutch Wartime Experience by Carolyne Van Der Meer ebook finder bookstore amazon free

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Book description
Motherlode: A Mosaic of Dutch Wartime Experience is Carolyne Van Der Meers creative reinterpretation through short stories, poems, and essays of the experiences of her mother and other individuals who either spent their childhoods in Nazi-occupied Holland or were deeply affected by wartime in Holland. The book documents the authors personal journey as she uncovers her mothers past through their correspondence and discussion and through research in the Netherlands. Motherlode also considers mother--daughter relationships and the effect of wartime on motherhood.Motherlode is not about recording precise historical data; rather, it attempts to recover and interpret the complex emotions of the individuals growing up in wartime. The book is based on interviews with the authors mother and other Dutch Canadians, interviews with and letters from Canadian Jewish war veterans, and information provided by individuals with direct or indirect experience of the Dutch Resistance. The creative pieces explore onderduik (going into/being in hiding), life in an occupied country, the work of the Dutch Resistance, liberation, collective and individual cultural memory, and the way in which wartime childhoods shaped adulthood for these individuals.
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