BETTER Maximum Ride, Vol. 3 by James Patterson original torrent francais free buy

BETTER Maximum Ride, Vol. 3 by James Patterson original torrent francais free buy

BETTER Maximum Ride, Vol. 3 by James Patterson original torrent francais free buy

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Book description
FANNNNNGGGGG! So, I loved Fang in this book but then when he kissed that girl and Max saw I was like HOW COULD YOU?!?!??!LOL, sorry, just had to get that out.Lets talk about the book in no specific order!!!- Iggy on the cover=HAWT!- Fang and Max=HELL YEAHZ!- Isnt it obvious that Nudge likes Fang- These fakes names of theirs. XD Captain Terror all the way.- Starting to dislike Angel.- Remember when Iggy was crying? Didnt you feel so bad?!!?! I felt so bad for Iggy, I just wanted to hug him and other cutesy stuff.- That woman in the suit. Im not gonna say her name because Im not sure I trust her yet...- The ending was so abrupt to me.- All the characters hairs grow so fast!!!- Fang is so sexy with his new look. Im jealous of Max.- Do to a couple of things, I did not give this book 5 stars like I did with the first two books.- Iggy doesnt look as hot with his new look but he still is so hot.- Ari is ALIVE!!?!?! Wah?!!?!- HAHA, that kid who jumped off the jungle gym and fell down, I laughed.- I dont like swans.- Arial, Jeff, Max, Nick and Dypher? Not sure about that last one.- NEW GUY IS IN THE BOOK!?!?!? He should get out, though he seems like he was an experiment too, he could possibly get in the way of Max and Fang. Grrr....- What would Max and Fangs pet name be?- Captain Terror!!! HAHAHHA Still cant get over that... XD- MAXS EVIL TWIN!??!?!? OMG!- Did I mention that Fang and Iggy are way hot? :DAnd thats all I have to say for today kids. Eat healthy and stay in school kids. ;)
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