BETTER Max and Sven by Tom Bouden windows read doc no registration full version

BETTER Max and Sven by Tom Bouden windows read doc no registration full version

BETTER Max and Sven by Tom Bouden windows read doc no registration full version

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Book description

Book description
Max and Sven are best friends in boyhood who maintain their friendship into adulthood despite Sven being straight and Max being gay. Through the eyes of Max and Sven, with equal doses of laugh-out-loud humor and wry insight, Bouden highlights and dispels many misperceptions about gay and straight culture.Belgian-born comic artist Tom Bouden’s work has been syndicated throughout Europe and published in Flemish, French, German, Dutch, and English. Bouden’s wonderful adaptation of Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest (2000) as a graphic novel earned him high praise from readers and reviewers alike. But Bouden is perhaps best-known for his lovable characters Max and Sven.Created in 1990 as part of an advertising campaign for a gay youth club, Max and Sven quickly rose to stardom with leading roles in their own comic. 2004 will mark their official entrée into North America, with the publication of Max and Sven by Green Candy Press.Max and Sven takes readers back to the beginning – to the fateful first meeting at which the seeds of a friendship that would last a lifetime were sown.
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