BETTER Managing Your Government Career: Success Strategies That Work by Stewart Liff (Goodreads Author) value tablet bookstore online touch

BETTER Managing Your Government Career: Success Strategies That Work by Stewart Liff (Goodreads Author) value tablet bookstore online touch

BETTER Managing Your Government Career: Success Strategies That Work by Stewart Liff (Goodreads Author) value tablet bookstore

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Book description
An informative guide to getting the most from your government careerAre you thinking of a government career? If so, consider this parable: When sorority sisters Bailey and Brianna graduated, Bailey went to work for the ABCD Corporation at a nice salary. She picked up a promotion and raise after a year. Unfortunately, Bailey also picked up an exotic disease during a business trip and spent three weeks in the hospital. With no healthcare coverage from work, she went into debt paying her medical bills. Shortly afterward, ABCD announced layoffs. As a new hire, Bailey was one of the first to go. Brianna joined a U.S. federal government agency at a lesser salary than Bailey’s, but her healthcare plan is golden, and she never frets about layoffs. Does that mean you should apply for a government job instead of one in the private sector? In today’s environment, when all jobs are hard to get, business pays better, but government jobs are more secure and the benefits just don’t quit. If you want to learn about U.S. government work, Stewart Liff’s book – based on his 32-year ascent through federal agencies – will tell you everything you need to know, including how to avoid getting tangled in red tape. getAbstract recommends this useful guide to people contemplating a career in the public sector and to civil service recruiters.
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