BETTER Loves Immortal Pantheon (Vol. 1 ) by Dagmar Avery look eng full story read

BETTER Loves Immortal Pantheon (Vol. 1 ) by Dagmar Avery look eng full story read

BETTER Loves Immortal Pantheon (Vol. 1 ) by Dagmar Avery look eng full story read

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Book description
Mischief, second chances and fantastic liasions. Gods are on the prowl with a desire for mortals.Their lusts are unrivaled,and their promises of forever ring through the ages.Enjoy 7 glimpses into the lives of 7 very wild and randy gods and goddesses.BECOMING PERSEPHONE by Dagmar AveryERATO by Cat JohnsonHEPHAESTUS LAYS DOWN THE LAW by Tilly GreenePLUTOS OFFERING by Selena IllyriaSEDUCTION IN MOONLIGHT by Diana DeRicciDARK BOND by Eliza GayleTHE SPOILS OF WAR by Kayleigh Jamison
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