BETTER Its Not the Dogs its the People: A Dog Trainers Guide to Training Humans by Nicole Wilde (Goodreads Author) english free german bookshop reading

BETTER Its Not the Dogs its the People: A Dog Trainers Guide to Training Humans by Nicole Wilde (Goodreads Author) english free german bookshop reading

BETTER Its Not the Dogs its the People: A Dog Trainers Guide to Training Humans by Nicole Wilde (Goodreads Author) english free

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Book description

Book description
Training dogs is often simple and straightforward, but sometimes training their owners is a bit more of a challenge. In this book on people-training for dog trianers, Nicole Wilde shares advice based on years of experience as a professional dog trainer. She teaches the reader the basics of people training, how to coach clients using positive reinforcement and other techniques. In an often humorous section, Wilde describes specific types of difficult personality types, from Angry Agnes to Unmotivated Mo, and how specifically to deal with them. Also covered are handling students in a group class setting, working one on one in private lessons, and understanding and working with family dynamics. An invaluable resource for any dog trainer.
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