BETTER Island Bride by Linda Lee Chaikin phone find ebook djvu download

BETTER Island Bride by Linda Lee Chaikin phone find ebook djvu download

BETTER Island Bride by Linda Lee Chaikin phone find ebook djvu download

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Book description
Linda Chaikin is a Christian fiction author with a focus on historical fiction. She sometimes publishes using the name L.L. Chaikin.Linda was the youngest of 10 children and her father died shortly after she was born. She wrote her first full-length novel with pen and paper at the age of 14 - this novel was later rewritten as Wednesdays Child, part of the Day to Remember series.She met her husband, Steve, in a Bible study, and they were married 6 months later. They both went to Multnomah School for the Bible, now known as Multnomah Bible College and Biblical Seminary in Portland, Oregon.
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