BETTER Into the Darkness by Kira Adams francais download sale price doc

BETTER Into the Darkness by Kira Adams francais download sale price doc

BETTER Into the Darkness by Kira Adams francais download sale price doc

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Book description
It was supposed to be a way to end the devastation in the Middle East, but instead a darkness has been unleashed unlike anything the world has ever seen. Ike Glass is well versed in chaos, but even he is unprepared for what the world will become after the outbreak. Ace Cullen has been loyal to his country ever since he was brought to the United States as a young boy, but it’s difficult to stand by a country that can’t even take responsibility for their own actions. Phoenix Blue just wants a night of mindless sex…is that too much to ask? Always a black sheep, she shocks everyone as she finds the strength inside herself to protect the ones she cares about and fight to see another day. They were strangers when the virus took over, but tragedy will bring them together in ways they never thought possible as they descend into the darkness.
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