BETTER In Spirit and Truth by Zoe Reed (Goodreads Author) ebook value german book pc

BETTER In Spirit and Truth by Zoe Reed (Goodreads Author) ebook value german book pc

BETTER In Spirit and Truth by Zoe Reed (Goodreads Author) ebook value german book pc

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Book description
Werewolves are disappearing all over the country, and nobodys quite sure why. Kyla was forced to leave behind everything she cared about when her parents ranch went bankrupt. With all of her friends and her boyfriend so far away, she isnt sure shell ever feel as comfortable in this new life as she did in the old. Unaware of the danger, reclusive werewolf, Camille, couldnt be happier to make the new girl feel right at home in the small farm-town of Tranquility, California. By the time Kyla realizes theres something hiding out in the dark, watching her, shes unwittingly stepped into the crosshairs of a dangerous werewolf. Original target? Camille. Can the girls take down the threat before they become the latest victims of his deadly game?
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