BETTER In His Eyes Anthology by S.R. Johannes (Goodreads Author) reader original djvu via free

BETTER In His Eyes Anthology by S.R. Johannes (Goodreads Author) reader original djvu via free

BETTER In His Eyes Anthology by S.R. Johannes (Goodreads Author) reader original djvu via free

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Book description
Sixteen original short stories, all from the point of view of our favorite male characters. Using prequel short stories and retellings from alternate points of view, these stories peek inside the male characters from the contributors’ novels, giving new insights and sigh worthy moments. These young adult stories cover a range of genres: paranormal, science fiction, contemporary, mystery, thriller … but they are all romantic at heart.Let these imminently crushable, swoon-worthy guys show you what romance looks like – in his eyes. The contributors to IN HIS EYES include award young adult winners, frequent “Top 100” placers, and hot 2011 debut authors. Contributors include: C.K. Bryant, Lisa Nowak, Magan Vernon, Elle Strauss, Laura Pauling, Cheri Lasota, S.R. Johannes, Stacy Wallace Benefiel, Ali Cross, Jessie Harrell, Katie Klein, Karen Amanda Hooper, RaShelle Workman, Heather McCorkle, Susan Kaye Quinn, and Cory Putman Oakes
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