BETTER How to Dance as the Roof Caves In: Poems by Nick Lantz (Goodreads Author) ebay download pc book look

BETTER How to Dance as the Roof Caves In: Poems by Nick Lantz (Goodreads Author) ebay download pc book look

BETTER How to Dance as the Roof Caves In: Poems by Nick Lantz (Goodreads Author) ebay download pc book look

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Book description
Nick Lantz writes with elegant simplicity. Most poets take a lifetime to learn as much. —Linda GregersonI say I love and I love and I love. However, the windowwill not close. However, the hawk searchesfor its nest after a storm. However, the discardednail longs to hide its nakedness inside the tire. —from Fork with Two Tines Pushed TogetherHow to Dance as the Roof Caves In examines America as it faces a recession of collective mood and collective wealth. In a central sequence, the housing bubble reaches its bursting point when, with hilarious and biting outcomes, real estate developers hire a married couple and other down-and-out extras to stage a fake community to lure prospective investors. In these marvelous poems, Nick Lantz describes the changing American landscape with great imagination and sharp wit.
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