BETTER Her Summer with the Marine by Susan Meier (Goodreads Author) pdf online free

BETTER Her Summer with the Marine by Susan Meier (Goodreads Author) pdf online free

BETTER Her Summer with the Marine by Susan Meier (Goodreads Author) pdf online free

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Book description
Their competition has never been so irresistibleThe last person Ellie McDermott wanted to run into after returning to her hometown is Finn Donovan, her high school nemesis and the guy she crossed the line from enemies to lovers with one night years ago. Now ex-military, tattooed, and still sexy as hell, Finn is a complication Ellie doesn’t need—she needs to concentrate on saving her family business.Finn’s entire life, Ellie was there, going head-to-head with him in every class, bee, and test. So it’s no surprise she’d show up just as he was about to take over her fathers struggling business. It is a surprise, though, that his attraction to her is even more explosive than it had been. Acting on their attraction is one thing, but Finn has to turn a profit to save his own family, and nothing—not even love—will get in his way.
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