BETTER Havana Gold by Leonardo Padura access cheap download iphone amazon

BETTER Havana Gold by Leonardo Padura access cheap download iphone amazon

BETTER Havana Gold by Leonardo Padura access cheap download iphone amazon

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Book description
Twenty-four-year old Lissette Delgado has been beaten, raped, and then strangled with a towel. Marijuana is found in her apartment and her wardrobe is suspiciously beyond the means of a high-school teacher. When Lieutenant Conde is pressured by the highest authority to conclude his investigation quickly, chance leads him into the arms of a beautiful redhead, a saxophone player who shares his love for jazz and Japanese fighting fish. This is a Havana of crumbling, grand buildings, secrets hidden behind faded doors and corruption. Yet it is also a eulogy to Cuba: its life of music, sex and the great friendships of those who chose to stay and fight for survival.
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