BETTER Haunting Leigh by Melanie James (Goodreads Author) pc read value kickass francais

BETTER Haunting Leigh by Melanie James (Goodreads Author) pc read value kickass francais

BETTER Haunting Leigh by Melanie James (Goodreads Author) pc read value kickass francais

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Book description
It’s Halloween, Leigh’s favorite time of the year. As a rookie witch with high hopes, she has a lot to look forward to. When a mysterious supernatural force meddles in her life things take a turn for the worse. Hunter gets caught in the paranormal crossfire and his very soul may be at risk. Leigh’s job seems to have suddenly gone sour as well. The public school doesnt share this young teacher’s enthusiasm for what they deem to be a religious holiday. To keep her entire life from falling apart at the seams, Leigh needs serious help. Once again she calls on her trustworthy but inept best friends to pull her through. Magical mayhem abounds. Leigh has a run-in with a bizarre cult bent on human sacrifice, some galloping golems, AND pesky ghosts—not to mention stray bolts of witchcraft! Can Marie Laveau and Hunter’s parents help the gang put together an emergency séance in the historic but haunted Schlitt House? They find out some ghosts can be a real drag, possession has side effects, and exorcisms are unpredictable at best. What will the Witches Halloween Gala in Salem be like? Will we finally find out what the deal is with Luna when she gets her paw read? Read all about it in Haunting Leigh, Book 4 of the Literal Leigh Romance Diaries.
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