BETTER Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters by Mike Grell (Writer) selling mobile read italian txt

BETTER Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters by Mike Grell (Writer) selling mobile read italian txt

BETTER Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters by Mike Grell (Writer) selling mobile read italian txt

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2.5 stars Its not bad...really.I mean, if you like books about people having a mid-life crisis, then youll definitely enjoy this one.I do have one question, however.Um, exactly why was Oliver Queen naked so much in The Longbow Hunters? Some of it I can sort of understand, like when hes hopping out of the tub. But other parts? Who sits around in the nude contemplating candlelight? Really?! Cause see, Ive never done that. I might sit around in my PJs or my sweats, but I dont just roam around the house naked. Especially near candles. I mean, thats just asking for an embarrassing trip to the ER.Excuse me, maam? Can you tell us exactly how you managed to sustain burns on you pubic area?Well, today was my birthday and I was alone. So, naturally, I was wandering around the house naked. I tripped on the rug, and fell on the rather large candle I was carrying around with me. Im thinking it was the scented oil I had rubbed all over myself that allowed my naughty bits to singe so quickly...Uh-huh. Very common problem.There were also a few things about Dinah Lance/Black Canary that I didnt understand.First, isnt she a blonde? In Grells version, she is a short-haired brunette, who evidently has a blonde wig she wears when she wants to be BC.Also, I noticed that she didnt seem to have her powers, either. When the crazy dude was torturing her, she didnt knock him on his ass with her bird scream thing. Her mouth wasnt taped up, so it shouldnt have been a problem. Instead, Ollie runs to her rescue...which explains the naked tub jumping.Eh?The look of this one alternates between beautiful penciling and early 90s art. But it is 20 plus years old, so you cant really hold that against it.For the most part, I thought this was pretty underwhelming. I had to put it down a couple of times and read a little bit of a trashy romance novel to clear my palate.So.Only recommended for fans who just cant get enough Green Arrow in their diet.
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