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BETTER Goggles & Dust: Images from Cyclings Glory Days by The Horton Collection read fb2 on iphone

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Book description
Drawn from the one of the worlds finest collections of cycling artifacts, Goggles & Dust collects over 100 stunning photographs from competitive cyclings heyday. Spanning the 1920s and 30s, Goggles & Dust: Images from Cyclings Glory Days celebrates the grit and determination of the bicycle racing pioneers who established the records, traditions, and distinct flavors of Europes most hallowed races.The spirit of these hardy competitors was perhaps matched only by the resolve of the remarkable photographers who prevailed in all imaginable conditions, situations, altitudes and latitudes to capture unforgettable prints of the racers at work and play. From Alpine panoramas to hair-raising crashes and idyllic roadside celebrations, the gorgeous restored photographs in Goggles & Dust--most unseen since their original publication in the newspapers and magazines of the day--provide an indelible and delightful record of a more carefree and adventurous time.
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