BETTER Gecko Tails: A Journey Through Cambodia by Carol Livingston windows without signing epub book view

BETTER Gecko Tails: A Journey Through Cambodia by Carol Livingston windows without signing epub book view

BETTER Gecko Tails: A Journey Through Cambodia by Carol Livingston windows without signing epub book view

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An incredibly insightful and compelling tale of one foreign correspondents sojourn in Cambodia during the mid 1990s. Although the information is almost 20 years out of date, its still a great read because the author was stationed there during a critical point during the countrys history -- during the UNs occupation of the country when they were preparing this post-Pol Pot society for democratic elections while attempting to stabilize the security situation. As Im currently traveling in Cambodia, this book answered a lot of questions for me such as why the Khmer Rouge were allowed to continue to exist and even participate in government into the 90s, even after their brutal and bloody reign from 1975-79. It also helps me appreciate how far Cambodia has come in less than 20 years. Today, tourists and locals can traverse the country without fear of checkpoints, (as many) landmines, bombings, random guerilla attacks etc. (though things are still far from perfect). That Cambodia has managed to stabilize itself, rebuild its tourism industry and (finally) bring to justice key members of the Khmer Rouge is truly extraordinary given Livingtons portrait of a country desperately destabilized by extreme poverty, famine, political mismanagement and other factors post-Pol Pot. Not to mention the wests decision to side with the Khmer Rouge for so long due to their skepticism of the Vietnamese, who had the audacity to liberate the country from these bloody dictators!! I should also mention that the book is funny and a perfect read for aspiring journalists and foreign correspondents who are dreaming of their own big scoop and that elusive contribution to social justice. All in all, this is a must-read for anyone traveling to Cambodia, interested in Southeast Asia politics, the effects of genocide or who are journalism die-hards. Or who just want a great read.
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