BETTER Game of Shadows: Barry Bonds, BALCO, and the Steroids Scandal that Rocked Professional Sports by Mark Fainaru-Wada buy tom english download itunes

BETTER Game of Shadows: Barry Bonds, BALCO, and the Steroids Scandal that Rocked Professional Sports by Mark Fainaru-Wada buy tom english download itunes

BETTER Game of Shadows: Barry Bonds, BALCO, and the Steroids Scandal that Rocked Professional Sports by Mark Fainaru-Wada buy to…

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As far as the investigation goes the authors did a solid job, but there is a lot of exaggeration and a number of baseless assertions and counterfactual claims that harm the book. The authors repeatedly claim Bonds was the best hitter ever. By any objective statistical analysis this is not true. The authors claim synthol is a drug that expands the muscle. It is neither a drug nor does it expand the muscle. Its an injectable oil that sits on top of the muscle. Think saline implants. Look up Gregg Valentino to see how ridiculous it makes someone appear.There are a number of parallels between Bonds and ARod - talented assholes hated by rivals and teammates alike, both of whom turned to a steroid dealer in a non-descript building to improve their performance through better chemistry. Bonds is worse by most accounts, in that hes a racist and possibly abusive toward women, though its hard to feel any pity for his girlfriend Kimberly Bell, seeing as how she knew he was married and then basically sued him because he refused to buy her a house. In any case, 3 takeaways - 1. Its hypocritical to condemn athletes like Bonds, Marion Jones & others for taking PEDs when anabolic steroids are advertised during the world news every single night in the form of treatment for Low T2. The reasons society seems OK with football players and bodybuilders taking steroids and HGH is because almost everyone in the sport is on it. Its a level playing field and therefore fair. This was not the case in baseball, as Griffey on drugs would have likely hit 80 home runs and Ruth, had steroids existed in his day, would have more than 100. These numbers are based on the comparison of their drug-free home run totals compared to the league during their respective time frames. So for Bonds to be remembered as a better player than those he was statistically less than before he began doping harms the integrity of the sport.3. Bonds never won a damn thing and even though he finally stopped choking at the plate in the playoffs in 2002 he still managed to boot a ball in crunch time as his team blew a 5-0 lead in the 7th inning on Game 6. After Bonds left the Giants won two World Series in five years with dominant pitching, a star offensive player who is as wholesome and upstanding as they come, as well as a large collection of hitters who had been cut from other teams. The team was simply better without Barry. Bonds deserves a spot in the HOF, but as the ~50th best player to ever play, not as a top 5 player. Because without an unlevel playing field, thats what he was.
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