BETTER GAME NIGHT 98 by Royale Gray-Lee book finder flibusta library ipad

BETTER GAME NIGHT 98 by Royale Gray-Lee book finder flibusta library ipad

BETTER GAME NIGHT 98 by Royale Gray-Lee book finder flibusta library ipad




Book description

Book description
Rico, a young child with no guidance and free spirit, always seems to find his way into trouble. With an absent father and his mothers secret crack habit, hes forced to move in with a close relative. The suburbs were suppose to be a better life. Rico is caught between choosing to better himself or get caught up in the streets like his father. After separating himself from the crew and leaving for college, he returns home to wish his best friend off to the navy. The events of that night lead to Rico witnessing one murder and being an accessory to another. One thing is certain: Rico will never forget Game Night 98.
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