BETTER From the Erotic to the Demonic: On Critical Musicology by Derek B. Scott direct link price prewiew online text

BETTER From the Erotic to the Demonic: On Critical Musicology by Derek B. Scott direct link price prewiew online text

BETTER From the Erotic to the Demonic: On Critical Musicology by Derek B. Scott direct link price prewiew online text

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Book description
From the Erotic to the Demonic demonstrates how different musical styles construct ideas of class, sexuality, and ethnic identity. This book will serve as a model for musicologists who want to take a postmodern approach to their inquiries. The clear and lively arguments are supported by ninety musical examples taken from such diverse sources as opera, symphonic music, jazz, and nineteenth- and twentieth-century popular songs. Derek Scott offers new insights on a range of high and low musical styles, and the cultures that produced them.
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