BETTER Flame of Recca, Vol. 10 by Nobuyuki Anzai buy tom english download itunes

BETTER Flame of Recca, Vol. 10 by Nobuyuki Anzai buy tom english download itunes

BETTER Flame of Recca, Vol. 10 by Nobuyuki Anzai buy tom english download itunes

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Book description
As a 400-year-old teenage ninja, Recca Hanabishi has recently vowed to protect the life of a pretty classmate named Yanagi Sakoshita. With the power of flame at his command, the hotshot shinobi is not shy about roasting a punk (or two) over a roaring fire. But now, a battle-weary Recca finds himself grappling with someone known as The Invincible One. As he looks down the barrel of the Demon Cannon, our hero begins to wonder: how do you defeat an indestructible enemy with an arsenal of human souls at his command?!!
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