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BETTER Fanshawe by Nathaniel Hawthorne value text macbook online eng

BETTER Fanshawe by Nathaniel Hawthorne value text macbook online eng

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I don’t know why I’m keeping on with this attempt to read all of an author’s books in a row (in the order they were written) since I’ve failed with everyone except the first (sorry Austen, Forster) and now I can add Hawthorne to the list. I seem to bomb out after reading the first two books of any author, but then again I’ve chosen some heavy hitters...Anyway, Fanshawe was kind of a surprise. I know that Hawthorne tried desperately to disown the book and have all copies in existence destroyed, but it survived to be read by people like me, foolhardy enough to read it because, well, just because!I havn’t read any Hawthorne for years (except for a couple of short stories) and The Scarlet Letter was even farther back in time (when I was in high school). I didn’t like anything I read in high school (anything that was assigned, anyway) so I tried to approach this with an open mind.The reason Fanshawe surprised me was because it is, essentially, a kidnapping story, something straight out of a TV show. There’s some place setting at the beginning, setting up the story and characters, painting a nice picture of the idyllic location for this little school and its headmaster and students.But it really gets interesting when the stranger in a black cape appears, menacing the pure young girl just with his look alone. Youre not even sure if hes real or not because he pops up out of nowhere and disappears just as quickly, but you eventually learn who he is and what his intentions are. Fanshawe is the sickly student who loves the girl and does what he can with his friend (who also loves her) to save the girl.Throw in a chase and a rather harrowing (but maybe too easy) resolution and you have a kind of swashbuckling adventure that entertains fairly well. The only potential drawback is the writing: Hawthorne’s prose is very dense. I wouldn’t say he uses more words than necessary but what he does use manages to pack in a lot. I am a picky reader when it comes to writers who use twenty words when five would suffice, but I never found any passage to be overly wordy. Not to say there weren’t some slow spots but I had fun with this shorter novel (I think the shortest of all Hawthorne’s novels).
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