BETTER English Novel in History, 1895 1920 by David Trotter macbook download tom no registration bookshop

BETTER English Novel in History, 1895 1920 by David Trotter macbook download tom no registration bookshop

BETTER English Novel in History, 1895 1920 by David Trotter macbook download tom no registration bookshop

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Book description
Written especially for students and assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, David Trotters The English Novel in History 1895-1920 provides a comprehensive introduction to early 20th-century fiction This study embraces the whole range of early 20th-century fiction, from avant-garde innovations to popular mass-market genres. Separate sections are devoted to James, Conrad, Kipling, Bennett, Lawrence, Lewis, and Joyce. It establishes a classification of literary styles in the period. Based on this classification, it offers an account of the subject-matters which preoccupied writers of all kinds: gender, race, nationality, sexual psychology, production and consumption. The English Novel in History aims to redefine our understanding of literary Modernism, and should be useful reading for all students of modern English literature.
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