BETTER Den russiske sangerinde by Leif Davidsen read without signing audio fb2 online

BETTER Den russiske sangerinde by Leif Davidsen read without signing audio fb2 online

BETTER Den russiske sangerinde by Leif Davidsen read without signing audio fb2 online

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I never heard of Leif Davidsen until a librarian recommended this book to me after I asked her about the nordisk-krimi genre books. But I am glad that she did introduce me to this guy.This book has won the annual Palle Rosenkrantz award, which is given for best criminal novels published in Danish language and you know what? I think this book deserve it too. Its definitely not as sophisticated as Tom Clancys spy novels or as glamorous as Ian Flemmings 007 series but for Danish readers, I think Leif Davidsen has a good job hitting the home market. Sometimes its the proximity that counts.I personally think this book falls into the romance category rather than a criminal / spy novel because the book is about love, that unfortunately happened on the wrong time and on the wrong place and to the wrong people. Its the details that counts and Davidsen is good at that.The book naturally took place in Moscow, a place where Davidsen - who was a former journalist for the state owned Danmarks Radio - was stationed back in the 1980s. This is a story of a Danish diplomate named Jack Andersen who was entangled in a murder of the embassys secretary named Sophia and a Russian girl named Vera.Back in the 1980s, Moscow was still in the whirlwind of communism, corruption, impossible bureaucracy, crazy regulations and KGB agents. Andersen, who found the bodies in Sophias diplomatic apartment figured out that there were something wrong with the crime scene. He, who befriended the USSRs foreign affairs official Vladimir Basov, continued to dig further on this case although he was warned by CW, a mysterious man who led the Royal Danish Embassy in Moscow, not to dig further as both USSR and Denmark wanted to avoid a scandalous affair between a supposedly lesbian Danish citizen with a Soviet citizen.In the pursuit of the criminal, Andersen met the pretty Russian singer named Lilli, who happened to be Veras sister. And yes, the whole book revolved about these two enchanted people who fell on a forbidden love in the times of the communism between a diplomatic staff and a Soviet citizen.Im not a fan of a romance novels, but this one has caught my attention. Perhaps because this book tells the true story about the old Soviet seen from a foreigners eyes. Perhaps because communism theme always attract people, perhaps because its also about Denmark and the Danes. Perhaps its just because its a good book.The book is later filmed and released in Denmark in 1993.
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