BETTER Defending Community: The Struggle for Alternative Redevelopment in Cedar-Riverside by Randy Stoecker kindle online bookshop without signing full version

BETTER Defending Community: The Struggle for Alternative Redevelopment in Cedar-Riverside by Randy Stoecker kindle online bookshop without signing full version

BETTER Defending Community: The Struggle for Alternative Redevelopment in Cedar-Riverside by Randy Stoecker kindle online bookshop

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Book description
Randy Stoeckers intimate biography of Cedar-Riverside, nationally known for a period as the Haight-Ashbury of the Mid-West, contains important lessons about the conflicts between the needs of capitalism and the needs of community. While attending graduate school at the University of Minnesota, the author moved to Cedar-Riverside, a Minneapolis neighborhood known for its determination to enact values of peace, justice, wholeness, participation, and community in its truest sense. There he experienced first-hand the clashes between a radical community and state-backed urban developers. His narrative tells the story of a community that overcame the odds against its own survival. Slated for total demolition, the neighborhood was saved by a powerful grass-roots movement. Citizens stopped a state-capital coalition from entombing the community in concrete and went on to create one of the largest community controlled urban redevelopment projects in the country After more than twenty years of struggle, Cedar-Riverside continues to experience citizen-controlled urban redevelopment on its own terms, setting an example for other communities, urban planners, and policymakers.
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