BETTER Dads Dinosaur Day by Diane Dawson Hearn (Goodreads Author) tablet spanish without registering free txt

BETTER Dads Dinosaur Day by Diane Dawson Hearn (Goodreads Author) tablet spanish without registering free txt

BETTER Dads Dinosaur Day by Diane Dawson Hearn (Goodreads Author) tablet spanish without registering free txt

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Book description
WHATS HAPPENED TO DAD? One magical morning, Mikeys dad just isnt his usual self. He doesnt go to work, and he doesnt drive Mikey to school. Hes having a dinosaur day! When Dad becomes a dinosaur he gets to play on the playground with Mikey, take a shower in the yard, and have pizza for dinner. He and Mikey have a real blast. But by the end of the day, Mikey wants his old dad back. Then, the next morning, something strange happens -- to Mom!
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